Focus on Freshmen Northeast
Go with What Works: Career Choices & the 10-yearPlan

Get Focused...Stay Focused!® Dual Enrollment Institute

Carpenteria High School
For High School or College/High School Collaborations

Diane Goncalves will share strategies for how colleges can form effective partnerships with their area high schools in an effort to improve completion rates. She will discuss the Get Focused...Stay Focused!® model developed by Santa Barbara City College, where over 3000 high school students earn dual enrollment credit each year. All Santa Barbara area high school freshmen complete a dual enrollment freshman transition course and continue with 10th, 11th, and 12th grade follow-up modules that address Common Core Standards in English. Learn how the Get Focused...Stay Focused!® program, with its backward mapping design, delivers the necessary knowledge and skills required for post-secondary success.

You’ll come away with: Who should attend: