Focus on Freshmen 2018 - Santa Barbara
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Wendy Bingham

For Wendy Bingham, passion for the Career Choices curriculum is a family affair. As the daughter of author Mindy Bingham, Wendy has been involved with Academic Innovations in one capacity of another for a very long time. She’s played an integral role in all aspects of the company since 2001 as the vice president in charge of professional development.

Wendy brings a deeply ingrained entrepreneurial spirit to Academic Innovations, one that served her well throughout her studies at the University of Southern California, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. As part of the Entrepreneur Program at USC, Wendy was recognized for developing one of the “Top 10 Business Plans” in 1996 for her proposed technology summer camp for educators.

Before entering the family business, Wendy started her own successful enterprise as a database management consultant, providing companywide sales and marketing evaluations, software customization, and staff training. Wendy also worked for McGraw-Hill, coordinating sales events and promotions and developing her division’s database.

Known for her content-rich, practical approaches, Wendy has conducted Career Choices workshops in nearly every state in the union. She is also a member of the highly selective National Speaker’s Association. If your funding requires a comprehensive professional development plan and you’d like to brainstorm one for your school, she can be reached at